Indelible Grace Hymnbook

Pilgrim Days: Indelible Grace II

Hymns on This Album


Worship is always formative. It shapes us as a people of God and thus it matters what we sing. We have found that the great hymns of the church have unparalleled power to mold us in our calling to “live as strangers here in reverent fear” (1Peter 1:17)

These hymns are indelible reminders that God’s people can know the transforming power of the gospel in the midst of sin and sorrow. We can find “joy in every station, something still to do or bear” if by grace we are able to heed the hymnwriters and “Think what Spirit dwells within thee, think what Father’s smiles are thine, think that Jesus died to win thee, child of heaven canst thou repine?”

In an age of instant gratification, we need the help of these poets of the church to help us live and think as genuine Christians, and to embrace the vital truths captured in these hymns. It is not easy to believe that the gospel of God’s grace has power to so transform our hearts that we could actually cry out “Go then earthly fame and treasure, come disaster, pain, and scorn. In Thy service pain is pleasure, with Thy favor loss is gain.” It is difficult in our culture of personal peace and affluence to really believe (and enjoy) the fact that “Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days. Hope shall change to glad fruition, faith to sight and prayer to praise.” But we have found singing these hymns has helped us. We pray you might find the same.

Soli Deo Gloria

Rev. Kevin Twit
Founder, Indelible Grace Music
Campus Minister, Reformed University Fellowship at Belmont University