Indelible Grace Hymnbook

Elizabeth Payson Prentiss

Born: Oc­to­ber 26, 1818, Port­land, Maine.

Died: Au­gust 13, 1878, Dor­set, Ver­mont.

Buried: Dor­set, Ver­mont.

In 1845, Eliz­a­beth mar­ried George Lew­is Pren­tiss (who lat­er be­came Pro­fess­or of The­ol­o­gy at Un­ion Sem­in­a­ry in New York Ci­ty). Her works in­clude:

Peterchen and Gretch­en, 1860
Fred and Ma­ria and Me, 1868
Stepping Hea­ven­ward, 1869
Nidworth, and His Three Ma­gic Wands, 1869
Religious Po­ems, 1873
Golden Hours, or Hymns and Songs of the Chris­tian Life, 1874
The Lit­tle Preach­er, 1874
Little Threads, 1874
The Sto­ry Liz­zie Told, 1874
Urbane and His Friends, 1874
The Home at Grey­lock, 1876
Griselda: A Dra­ma­tic Poem in Five Acts (trans­lat­ed from Ger­man)
Little Susy’s Six Birth­days, 1883
Little Susy’s Six Teach­ers, 1883
Six Lit­tle Prin­cess­es
Aunt Jane’s He­ro
Little Su­sy Stor­ies
The Flow­er of the Fam­i­ly
Life and Let­ters (post­hu­mous)

Source: The Cyber Hymnal