Indelible Grace Hymnbook

Henry Alford

Born: Oc­to­ber 7, 1810, Blooms­bu­ry, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­u­ary 12, 1871, Can­ter­bu­ry, Kent, Eng­land. For his own ep­i­taph, he wrote: De­ver­sor­i­um vi­a­tor­is pro­fi­ci­en­tis Hier­o­sol­y­mam (The inn of a pil­grim tra­vel­ing to Je­ru­sa­lem).

Buried: St. Mar­tin’s, Can­ter­bu­ry, Kent, Eng­land.

Alford wrote the fol­low­ing in his Bi­ble at age 16:

I do this day in the pre­sence of God and my own soul re­new my cov­e­nant with God and sol­emn­ly de­ter­mine hence­forth to be­come his and to do his work as far as in me lies.

Alford at­tend­ed Il­min­ster Gram­mar School and Trin­i­ty Coll­ege, Cam­bridge, and was or­dained in 1833. He was Cur­ate at Wink­field, Wilt­shire, and Amp­ton, and Vic­ar at Wyme­swold, Lei­ces­ter­shire (where he served 18 years). In 1853, he went to Que­bec Cha­pel, Lon­don; in 1857, he be­came dean of Can­ter­bury Ca­thed­ral. He was al­so a schol­ar, pro­duc­ing vol­umes on Ho­mer, Eng­lish po­et­ry, and the Greek New Test­a­ment. His works in­clude:

Poems and Po­et­ic­al Frag­ments (Cam­bridge, Eng­land: J. J. Deigh­ton, 1833)
Psalms and Hymns, 1844
Poetical Works, 1845
The Year of Praise, 1867

Source: The Cyber Hymnal