Indelible Grace Hymnbook

Joseph Swain

Born: 1761, Birm­ing­ham, War­wick­shire, Engl­and.

Christened: May 22, 1761, St. John’s Church, Der­it­end and Bord­es­ley (a sub­urb of Birm­in­gham).

Died: Ap­ril 14 [Mc­Cutch­an, Rey­nolds] or Ap­ril 16 [Brown], 1796, Wal­worth, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: Bun­hill Fields Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land.

After be­ing ap­prent­iced to an en­grav­er, Swain moved to Lon­don. Af­ter com­ing to Christ, he be­gan ex­press­ing his po­et­ic tem­per­a­ment by writ­ing hymns. In 1783, he was bap­tized by John Rip­pon, and in 1791 be­came min­is­ter of a Bap­tist con­gre­ga­tion in East Street, Wal­worth. His works in­clude:

A Col­lec­tion of Po­ems on Sev­er­al Oc­ca­sions (Lon­don: 1781)
Redemption, a Po­em in Five Books (Lon­don: 1789)
Experimental Es­says on Di­vine Sub­jects (Lon­don: 1791)
Walworth Hymns, by J. Swain, Pas­tor of the Bap­tist Church Meet­ing There (Lon­don: 1792) & Sup­ple­ment, 1794
A Pock­et Com­pan­ion and Di­rect­o­ry (Lon­don: 1794)

Source: The Cyber Hymnal