Indelible Grace Hymnbook

William True Sleeper

Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 9, 1819, Dan­bu­ry, New Hamp­shire.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 24, 1904, Well­es­ley, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Sleeper at­tend­ed Phill­ips-Ex­e­ter Acad­e­my, the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ver­mont, and the An­do­ver The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry. Af­ter or­din­a­tion, he con­duct­ed home min­is­try work in Mass­a­chu­setts and Maine. He lat­er be­came pas­tor of the Sum­mer Street Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Wor­ces­ter, Mass­a­chu­setts, where he served over 30 years. His works in­clude:

The Re­ject­ed King, and Hymns of Je­sus, 1883

Source: The Cyber Hymnal
